Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Geopolitical Research Website & Newsletter:  

This research boutique provides independent analysis-driven and non-ideological Global Geopolitical-Macroeconomic Research. It supports research exchange among analysts, decision makers and scholars. Not all our research is publicly available. 

No agitation, verbal abuse, activist rhetoric nor judgemental preconception is tolerated on this website. 

Although we have only a small number of selected readers, we take Data Privacy seriously.

This document covers our Terms & Conditions, Private Data Protection Policy (GDPR) and use of Cookies.

For whom our website & newsletter is useful, for whom it is not
  • This website and this newsletter is intended mainly for private persons and decision makers that want a distinct nonconsensual perspective on the changing geopolitical and macroeconomic realities of our time.
  • Our geopolitical updates contain no market research and no investment recommendations.
  • In a  highly interconnected world, geopolitical and political research will from time to time invariably touch on the economy and financial markets. As trained economists & investment veterans we write from an economic perspective. Still none of our analysis should be understood or construed as investment advice.
  • Our geopolitical analysis is highly strategic & rather long term oriented. Those seeking a newsletter for short term news or trading purposes should not try to subscribe to this newsletter.
  • Persons that need a periodic newsletter (with fixed & frequent schedules for distribution like once a week, once a month or once a quarter) should not subscribe to our newsletter.
  • We maintain a limited number of readers in our database and reject subscriptions from persons that do not match our criteria.

Specific areas

1) Expectations: Although Macro Economist Christian Takushi has been writing reports for over 28 years and successfully pointed to the BREXIT & Trump surprises as well as the liberal shift in France and Germany in 2017 (all non-consensus forecasts), there is no guarantee our analysis can keep this accuracy in the future.

Limitations: Although we endeavour to provide an independent & non-ideological geopolitical analysis using proprietary methods and we take into account Western and Oriental ways of thinking, no analytical approach at aggregate levels is without limitations. Geopolitical outcomes are highly dependent on both the political process and the global macro landscape. Many factors can impact the political process and suddenly lead to an unexpected outcome.

2) We take data privacy seriously and are highly supportive of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). We maximise the safety and protection of your data privacy by the following measures we have taken:

  • We are committed to remain an independent source of non-consensual geopolitical analysis
  • We don’t sell your personal data nor do we share it with any other party for commercial gain
  • We included data protection in the earliest design of our newsletter service and engaged an external professional cyber security company
  • We collect the absolutely minimum of personal data as required by Swiss Authorities to run our newsletter. Our website uses only your name, address and email address (an external party like Stripe may need more information to process a credit card payment though). By firmly committing to never sell your data to anyone, we greatly contribute to personal data protection
  • We remain committed to our core competence, geopolitical research. This is a highly specific market niche that allows us to keep things small & clear. This focus greatly enhances security at all levels
  • We also endeavour to use a competent and GDPR-committed newsletter software. By subscribing to our newsletters and using our research you agree with the data protection policies of the newsletter software firm we have chosen. To maximise your data protection, the geopolitical research, the handling of client data and the generation of the newsletters is done inside our protected site
  • At any time our readers can unsubscribe and request their data deleted. They can also write to info@geopoliticalresearch.com with inqueries

We believe it is important that we focus on what we are best at, and that we rely on a professional best-practice company for the automatic data handling.

3) Every subscriber understands that we have no intention to comment on every seemingly important world event. Our geopolitical analysis is strategic & long term oriented. Should our analysis not deviate from consensus significantly, no newsletter will be issued – This is part of our approach to only release a report when we can add value.

4) There is no fixed frequency for writing our strategic newsletters – we rather focus on responsiveness. We have applied this for years and readers have appreciated this sensical approach: analysis, fact gathering and writing is an on-going process, but posts are released only when our analysis deviates from consensus in a significant way. There is sadly too much noise and repetitive analysis out there – in the realm of geopolitics there are periods of extreme noise and disinformation, but also silence.

Thus, the frequency of our newsletters depends on our independent analysis of geopolitical events, aggregate data and the global macro landscape only. If our geopolitical assessment changes rapidly, we may write more often. If it doesn’t, we won’t release a post. We make this absolutely clear, so no reader should be subscribed to this newsletter that wants a typical frequent newsletter.  There is therefor no obligation for us to issue newsletters!

An example for our responsiveness approach: during Spring-Summer 2017 Takushi released one post per month in average. But he released 4 posts in the first 3 weeks of Autumn 2017 alone.

In general we shall issue a new update if the following criteria are met

  1. Our geopolitical assessment on an important development changes significantly
  2. We ascertain that consensus is misjudging an important development and we deviate from the consensus view in a significant way
  3. We think we can add value to what consensus is providing – in a significant way

5)  Technical Aspects

  • It is clients’ responsibility to keep their hardware and software in order, so that they can properly receive our newsletters and/or enjoy a smooth participation in our seminars. It is in the client’s interest to keep his or her email inbox in order. The newsletter or the the email with the LINK can end up in a trash or spam folder if the client fails to accept our email address as a contact. We cannot assume any responsibility for problems arising from these issues

6) Online Seminars

Our Online Seminars are run on ZOOM software via the internet.

Because there is a myriad of political and technical factors that could influence the execution and the participation of a person on our seminars, we cannot guarantee the seminars will be held as expected, nor can we guarantee that a person will be able to participate in a seminar.

  • We cannot guarantee that seminars will be held as expected. The nature of Politics, Economics and Financial Markets is somewhat unpredictable. Thus, the number of seminars in a given year can rise or decline
  • Because of the unpredictable nature of Geopolitics, Politics, Economics and Financial Markets we can never guarantee that a particular seminar will take place as expected. Online Seminars may be cancelled or postponed due to an event beyond or control. Given the unpredictable nature of
  • To have paid for the seminar may not guarantee the participation in a seminar. Registrees need to maintain their email systems – i.e. accept our email address as a contact in order to receive the ZOOM link. Otherwise they may receive our information as SPAM and not get the ZOOM link in time for the seminar and there might be no way for us to reach them either. We do our best, but unfortunately we have no influence on how a registree is handling his or her IT settings
  • Clients that have registered to a particular seminar have to secure the reception of the link in the morning of the seminar. If they didn’t receive the Link, they should notify info@geopoliticaleconomics.com before 12:00 hrs (noon CET), so that we can resend the LINK
  • Given the highly complex nature of our research and the low price we are offering, we cannot reimburse money for seminars that people could not attend nor for seminars that could not take place.

7) Governing Law

These terms & conditions are governed by Swiss law.

8) The contents, risk models, aggregation methods and corporate design are copyright of Christian Takushi MA UZH – unless otherwise described. Our research can be used for personal and commercial purposes provided we are properly acknowledged, quoted (i.e. Source: Christian Takushi, independent Macro Economist) and that we are not misrepresented. Any replication or distribution has to be explicitly permitted by us.


  1. None of our geopolitical assessments or comments should be interpreted as an investment recommendation or investment suggestion.
  2. Readers acknowledge with their subscription or use of our website that geopolitical research is highly complex and dependant on a multitude of factors. Thus, the global geopolitical landscape can change suddenly and we cannot guarantee accuracy. In geopolitical, political and macro analysis the outcome can suddenly be influenced by so called Force Majeure.
  3. Any person reading this newsletter or any info on our website should consider the content as an independent opinion only. He or she should not make important decisions based solely on our views. He or she should get professional advice first and weigh other perspectives. We cannot assume any responsibility for readers’ personal actions. We assume readers apply caution, common sense and self-responsibility.
  4. Any person that uses our website or is subscribed to our newsletter accepts the standard use of cookies. We don’t use cookies for targeting our readers with advertising nor do we profile them.
  5. Any person that uses our website or is subscribed to our newsletter accepts our Data Privacy & Protection Policy as well as our Terms & Conditions
  6. Any person that subscribes to our newsletter grants us permission to use and store his/her email address and basic information for the purpose of sending our newsletter updates
  7. We do not assume responsibility for the data-handling by the software companies used as suppliers. We have nevertheless chosen well established companies in their respective fields.

10) Data Privacy & Protection Policy and the use of Cookies.

The Terms & Conditions might be subject to changes in the future if regulation, technology or client needs deem it necessary. Nevertheless, our purpose and approach are steadfast. We encourage our readers to check this statement regularly.

We thank you for your trust and interest in our geopolitical research and political insights.

Berikon – Switzerland. Latest edition in August 2023 (mainly to update Data Privacy & Protection Policy).

Note: This website www. geopoliticalresearch.com is owned by Global Geopolitical Research Ltd. Switzerland.