Geopolitical Research Newsletter




Important Note:

i) In the EU, we only accept subscriptions from private persons (no corporate credit cards are allowed).

ii) If you are not in a jurisdiction where our newsletter is distributed, you can write a request to with your name and country of residence.

Description of our Geopolitical Newsletter

The three pillars of our research

a) We are truly independent
b) We are driven solely by balanced analysis and avoid judgemental and ideological preconceptions: All nations pursue their interests with all the means at their disposal – they simply have different means.
c) We release a report only when we deviate significantly from consensus

Additionally this is what you can expect from us:

  1. We have a balanced approach combining Western linear-logical analysis and Oriental circular-historical analysis
  2. We focus on strategic issues that consensus is underestimating
  3. Our focus is on analysis depth, consistency and speed – Not on a nice layout
  4. This is not a periodical – we don’t want to add to the news noise
  5. We don’t rely on informers, many informers are now part of disinformation – All our working hypotheses are continually tested

As we focus on strategic matters our minimum subscription period is one year. Our proprietary analytical and statistical methods have been developed over many years and encompass macroeconomics and geopolitics.

Track Record: Some of the events that our approach allowed us to foresee or assess correctly:

With God’s help we hope to keep this up.