Interview: US elections won’t matter for deficit, EU eyes savings acc., Iran, NZ, Uruguay, Mauritius ..

Interview with Financial Sense – Global Geopolitical Economic Roundup, Switzerland, Delayed release 30 Aug 2024

Dear reader

This interview complements our recent newsletters.

Mr. Takushi has been interviewed by SanDiego-based Financial Sense. The interview was aired in the United States last week:

US Interview with Financial Sense 



    • For Europe it doesn’t matter who wins in November in America. It is going to be very difficult either way
    • America’s greatest threat to National Security is domestic: Out of control fiscal-monetary policies
    • Europe faces a USD 9-10 Trillion financing gap – Officials may need to mobilise private savings. The Capital Market Union might be part of the solution.
    • Investors neglect Turkey – Iran is likely to help Russia and China
    • Geopolitical Safety: Uruguay and Mauritius top the ranking as New Zealand is under review for downgrade

Contingency Plans:

Smart investors have shifted part of their assets to geopolitical safe nations in the Southern hemisphere that are not highly indebted and respect private property. Building a second base for your business or family requires good preparation and it can take up to three years time. No single location is risk-free, so a wise combination of locations is the best way forward for the next 5-10 years. For many persons and firms based in the USA and Europe the combination of Switzerland-Uruguay is effective. But for some people Mauritius or Singapore is the better fit. The most complementary combination of Safe Havens is currently Gstaad (CH) and Punta del Este (UY). But there are other combinations – it depends on one’s needs.

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Geopolitical Research Team

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Global Geopolitical Research, Switzerland,  30 Aug 2024

Research made in Switzerland 

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