Geopolitical Podcast: The UK needs a brilliant PM to navigate what lies ahead

A geopolitical Podcast by Economist Christian Takushi on Thu 20 Oct 2022 – Switzerland

Dear friend

Mr. Takushi broadcast a 25 minute podcast this Thursday 20 October focusing on the resignation of the British prime minister.

This is a supplementary service for our newsletter readers. It assumes the listener is acquainted with our strategic research.

Podcast Template

A Geopolitical Podcast

Geopolitical roundup – World events explained in less than 30 minutes

  • The world needs a stable and able UK government to help lead the West and the Free World in the months to come.
  • The new UK PM should rethink the global security situation. The UK and Germany are being devastated and may possibly never fully recover from this economic shock.
  • The new PM should rethink the energy sanctions: The sanctions looked only good on paper. Since powerful Emergency Nations are not supporting our sanctions, Russia is being barely affected, the UK and EU are being devastated while the USA and Saudi Arabia are profiteering in a huge way. Thus, Europe is the biggest victim of the sanctions. In two years the bankrupted EU won’t be able to defend nor rebuild Ukraine.
  • The new PM should communicate carefully with Financial Markets
  • Also mentioned: Five other areas of geopolitical-economic tension we are monitoring around the world

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